Thursday 7 January 2010

Dance is my Art..

"Taking off my torn boots
Too step into something new...
I now embrace the shoes of a ballet dancer
I am now a character
Every step I take
Must be as if  I am performing for Swanlake
The floor is now my stage"

Wednesday 25 November 2009

Things I love in My Wardrobe

Selecting six personal obejects, starting with two objects drawing them from one point of view. Then when adding a new object I changed the point of view to create a sequence. These are all series of sketches in my sketchbook focusing on the things I love in my wardrobe as a way to start my auto-biography project.
Expressive mark making trying to focus on the delicate details but also I was trying to create intensity by the depth and the tone in certain sections.The main focus of this composition is the bow because its the most current thing in my wardrobe.

The main focus of this series was to look at persepctive and how the change of point of view can change how the composition is viewed as a whole.

Looking at artists like Jim Dine who uses symbols to tell a narrative. His ''Tools'' collection shows a recall of memories and emotions buried within his state of mind.When looking at Dine's Tools collection, it feels as if he is trying to protect and mend something that is out of place, this could be something that might have happened when he was a child. Normally tools are assorted with an agressive action so by focusing on tools to tell a narrative I think Jim Dine is trying to show the dark side of his past.His way of showing his emotions and feelings.